Hello! I'm Kye. I help people as they reach for something greater than themselves, something luminous.
If you already know your calling, I can help you bring it alive. If you don't yet know your calling our work could begin with finding it.
I am also a certifying coordinator with the International Focusing Institute, and can train you in Focusing or TAE, or certify you as a Focusing instructor.
Here is how one person described working with me:
"Recently I came across a word that seems the best fit for describing Kye's gift: 'maieutic' ... It refers to the ability to teach by bringing out the truth, goodness, and beauty that is inside of the person."
If you want to learn more about what it would be like to work together, here are some experiences of others who've worked with me. You can also read more about me.
Contact me if you'd like to work together or if you have questions.
Otherwise, maybe you'd like to:
- Work with my formulation of Thinking At the Edge (TAE), Thinking Fundamentally.
- Read my commentary on the Tao Te Ching (in process).
- Let my blog remind you of the goodness and beauty in each moment.
- Enjoy my photography.